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Category: Process

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Sharing Information with Your GP

At Elios Clinics, we believe in transparent communication with your healthcare providers. Therefore, we will share information about your consultation and prescription with your GP, so they know your treatment plan and can provide any necessary support unless you request otherwise.

Medical Records

At Elios Clinics, medical records are essential to determine a patient’s eligibility for medical cannabis treatment. Patients can provide their up-to-date medical records through the NHS App or by requesting them from their GP. Alternatively, Elios Clinics can obtain the records directly from the patient’s GP practice, with the patient’s consent. These records help the clinical team assess the medical history and ensure cannabis treatment is appropriate and safe for the patient’s condition. We may

Refund & Cancellation policy

We require the consultation fee to be paid in full to secure your booking and begin the complete eligibility check process. In addition, the fee includes a non-refundable deposit of £30 to cover our administrative costs for new consultations and consultations for transferring patients. Before booking a consultation, our team carries out an initial eligibility check. Once the consultation fee is paid, we commence a full eligibility check, which includes contacting your GP and reviewing

Complaints policy

At Elios Clinics, we strive to provide our patients with compassionate and fair treatment. However, if you have any issues with your treatment, you can complain in person, over the phone, or in writing. We take all complaints seriously, as they are essential for continuous service improvements and patient safety. If you need help with making a complaint, please get in touch with our team for assistance.

Standard Treatment plan

A Standard Treatment plan, which most patients follow. Month 1: Submit assessment form and Initial Consultation Month 2: Follow-up Consultation Month 3: Repeat Prescription Month 4: Repeat Prescription Month 5: Check-up Consultation Month 6: Repeat Prescription Month 7: Repeat Prescription Month 8: Check-up Consultation Month 9: Repeat Prescription Month 10: Repeat Prescription Month 11: Check-up Consultation Month 12: Repeat Prescription As part of your ongoing medicallysupervised treatment, to assess your response to the medication and

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